
ElitePathway’s  pricing on is based on storage size and the number of images* that you can upload (see storage chart below). A typical 2Gb storage account will give you approx. 4000 images. As our prices are based on storage size only there is no limit to the number of children, staff and parents that can use or access the system. With a starting price of only £4/month or £48/year plus no contracts. We therefore believe our prices very affordable.

When you trial, you will be given full access for 30 days FREE with no obligation. While in ElitePathway you can consider your BUY options via the tool bar. The buy menu will let you choose between monthly or yearly.  However we are on hand to talk you through these options in detail if required.

Images* that you upload are all resized without loss of quality, hence how we can store so many images.

During your Trial, we are very happy to help you.

ElitePathway Pricing

Childcare providers

1 Centre (Under 30 Children)
Includes 1 GB Storage


Approx. 2000 images

Childcare providers

1 Centre (Over 30 Children)
Includes 2 GB Storage


Approx. 4000 images

Childcare providers

1 Centre (Over 30 Children)
Includes 4 GB Storage


Approx. 8000 images

The storage you need will be predominantly made up of evidence you upload to Elite Pathway such as photos, videos and sound clips. The system will rescale the photos you upload to save space, therefore 2GB of storage will be capable of handling several thousand photos before you need additional storage. In ElitePathway you have an evidence management and a usage monitor system, which will let you know how much storage you have available, so if you need more storage you can easily upgrade your subscription storage level, within the usage monitor window.  We recommend childcare centres with 30+ children purchase 2GB of storage, a centre with 60+ children 4GB and for a centre with 100+ children we would recommend 6GB. Additional storage such as  8GB and 10GB plans are also available if required.

*Please note when videos and sound clips are uploaded and stored at their original quality and file size. This will use up a lot more of your storage than you wish. Please see table below to guide you.

Storage Made Simple

Total file capacity per media type (per child) *
No. of children Storage space Image files 1 Video clips 2 Sound clips 3 Price per month
30 1GB 2000 (66) 40 (1) 100 (3) £4
30 2GB 4000 (133) 80 (2) 200 (6) £6
60 2GB 4000 (66) 80 (1) 200 (3) £9
60 4GB 8000 (133) 160 (2) 400 (6) £15
60 6GB 12000 (200) 240 (4) 600 (10) £20
90 4GB 8000 (88) 160 (1) 400 (4) £15
90 6GB 12000 (133) 240 (2) 600 (6) £20
90 8GB 16000 (177) 320 (3) 800 (8) £25
150 6GB 12000 (80) 240 (1) 600 (4) £20
150 8GB 16000 (106) 320 (2) 800 (5) £25
150 10GB 20000 (133) 400 (2) 1000 (6) £30
* Figures are based on filling the entire allocation with solely this media type
* Per child figure is an average rounded down to nearest whole number
1 – Based on an image file size of 500kb
2 – Based on a video file size of 25mb
3 – Based on an audio file size of 10mb


Regarding payments please see our terms and conditions for more information.

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