Frequently Asked Questions

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  • 1. How do i upgrade my storage ?

    When you have logged in, go to setup and select the monitor tab. In here you can unsubscribe from your current subscription and start a new one with the amount of storage you require.

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    Viewed 358 Times
  • 2. What happens when my registration is complete ?

    PayPal will confirm to us that your registration is complete and you will receive an email token, follow the link in the email message to create your own password. You can then log in with your email address and your chosen password.

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    Viewed 372 Times
  • 3. Can I import my children's data ?

    Yes, you can import Children, Room and Staff data in the form of a CSV file.

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    Viewed 374 Times
  • 4. How do I change the room the child is in.

    Go to Setup and select,  Age Bands and Staff assignment. Find the child and the room column. Click the little down arrow to the right and select the new room.

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    Viewed 346 Times
  • 5. How do I change the room the child is in.

    Go to Setup and select Age Bands and Staff assignment. Find the child and the room column. Click the little down arrow to the right and select the new room.

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    Viewed 328 Times
  • 6. I can’t change the staff member to a child

    Go to Setup and select Age Bands and Staff assignment. Find the child and the room column. Click the little down arrow to the right and select the staff member. If you need more staff add or edit the staff in the staff Tab.

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    Viewed 365 Times
  • 7. Can I temporarily change the age band of the Child to add observations to another age band.

    Yes. When you are in the Child Learning section you can temporarily change age bands. This is located at the bottom of the child information, there are buttons to allow you to move forwards or backwards depending on the age of the Child.

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    Viewed 362 Times
  • 8. Can I change the age band of the Child.

    Go to Setup and select Age Bands and Staff assignment. Find the child and the age band column. Click the little down arrow to the right and select the new age band.

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    Viewed 315 Times
  • 9. Is there an easy way to add more children

    Yes. You can import new children with a new csv file or you add the new children to the current file.  If you add more children to current file and import it. ElitePathway will sacn the file and only add the new children added. Please note make sure the csv file only has current children. Please delete children that have left.

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    Viewed 338 Times
  • 10. Can I get ElitePathway without PayPal

    Yes. We offer yearly invoicing.

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    Viewed 362 Times
  • 11. Can I see a child’s overall progress

    Yes. Via Learning Area Progress Overview form, located on the Development Matters Control Panel.

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    Viewed 344 Times
  • 12. Can I set staff access times.

    Yes. You can set the times staff start and end – in setup

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    Viewed 310 Times
  • 13. Can I see all observations.

    Yes there is an observation browser in management menu.

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    Viewed 315 Times
  • 14. Can I resend a Day In the Life report

    Yes. See the Day In the Life browser in management menu.

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    Viewed 318 Times
  • 15. Can evidence images be enlarged.

    Yes. To enlarge evidence photos, just click or touch them.

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    Viewed 323 Times
  • 16. Which web browser should i use ?

    Our system is compatible, and has been extensively tested, on Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.

    Being web based it should be compatible on most browsers but depending on factors such as device resolution it may not always display the data as intended.

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    Viewed 390 Times
  • 17. How many staff members can i register ?

    ElitePathway has no restrictions to the number of staff members you can register.

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    Viewed 378 Times
  • 18. How many parents can i register ?

    ElitePathway has no restrictions to the number of parents you can register.

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    Viewed 353 Times
  • 19. What is the maximum image size i can upload ?

    There is no size limits as ElitePathway will resize all uploaded images.

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    Viewed 383 Times
  • 20. Do i have to use the default age bands ?

    No you can add in your own room ages and work to them.

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    Viewed 361 Times
  • 1. Can i register once for all my centres ?

    No, you will need to register each centre individually.

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    Viewed 338 Times
  • 2. Can i register more than one centre with PayPal ?

    Yes you can as long as your account is connected to a bank account and not just a debit/credit card.

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    Viewed 329 Times
  • 3. How do i upgrade my storage ?

    When you have logged in, go to setup and select the monitor tab. In here you can unsubscribe from your current subscription and start a new one with the amount of storage you require.

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    Viewed 358 Times
  • 4. Can I get ElitePathway without PayPal

    Yes. We offer yearly invoicing.

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    Viewed 362 Times
  • 5. What happens if i stop my payments ?

    The system will send you an email to close your account and allow you to download data.

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    Viewed 319 Times
  • 1. What happens when my registration is complete ?

    PayPal will confirm to us that your registration is complete and you will receive an email token, follow the link in the email message to create your own password. You can then log in with your email address and your chosen password.

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    Viewed 372 Times
  • 2. I don’t seem to have received my token email ?

    Sometimes email messages will go into your junk or spam folder.

    Any problems please contact us through our support page.

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    Viewed 434 Times
  • 3. What happens if i lose my login details ?

    Contact us through the website and we send you an email to change it

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    Viewed 324 Times
  • 4. What happens if a staff member loses their login details ?

    Go to Setup, select Staff and Resend a password token to that staff member.

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    Viewed 343 Times
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